
Is it me?  Am I being too sensitive?  Do you wonder if you’re the problem in the relationship? Unsure why you keep finding yourself in these difficult relationships.  Or why these same fights keep happening over and over again.  Leaving you feeling frustrated, stuck, and hopeless.  Do you feel disconnected from others?  Feeling unknown, unseen, and alone.  Wondering if you’re lovable and acceptable, or if people will leave if they really knew you.

Relationships are Complicated.


Individuals are complex.  Let’s take the time to find out who you are and what you’re about, as well as who you are in relationship to others.  Examining, exploring, and noticing patterns and behaviors.  Untangling moments that feels stuck, confusing, or triggering.

Areas we can work on together

Difficulty with boundaries

Communication Issues

Couples/Marital Conflict

Family Conflict

Friendship Conflict

Difficulty expressing yourself