Life Transitions

Are you entering a new phase in your life?  Or coming to an end on one?  Getting married, becoming a parent, and going back to school again are big transitions.  Changing careers, getting a separation or divorce, or changes in your relationships are also difficult changes. These life transitions can be anxiety-provoking and scary.  You might find yourself feeling uncertain about what’s to come, doubting your decisions, ruminating on your options again, or wondering if you’re ready or have what it takes to enter this next phase of life.

Change is hard.


Even positive and exciting change can be stressful and overwhelming.  Change is uncomfortable.  It pushes it us right out of where we’re familiar to a new uncharted area.  Together, we’ll lay out and explore all the different emotions, thoughts, and worries that this transition brings up for you, and find ways to go into this new phase one step at a time.

Areas we can work on together


New parent


Career change

Graduate school

Changes in family


Relationship endings