
Are you trying to make sense of your struggles within the context of your Christian identity? Feeling confused about how to integrate your faith? Perhaps it’s about difficulty setting boundaries, while feeling you should be more forgiving, gracious, and compassionate.  Or dealing with challenges that are often considered taboo at church, or go against your own values and beliefs.  Do you feel guilty that you’re depressed and anxious because you believe you wouldn’t be if you had more faith? Life throws hardships, people hurt others, and Christians nor the church are exempt from this.  Unfortunately, this means it’s not uncommon that the church community you trust may have hurt or even traumatized you, leaving you feeling angry, confused, or disillusioned.  And consequently, even impacting your relationship with God.

Let’s invite God into the mess.


Let’s explore your journey in the light of your identity, beliefs, values, and relationship with God, while also noticing how your life may have shaped your faith.

Areas we can work on together

Taboo Struggles

Faith Deconstruction

Spiritual Trauma

Changes in Your Relationship with God

Leaders in the Church

Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation